Jedha certifications: everything you need to know!

Benoît Yèche
Benoît Yèche
Chief Marketing Officer
Last updated on 
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Jedha certifications: everything you need to know!

Before you get started, would you like to know more about the attestations and certifications obtained on completion of our training courses? You've come to the right place! 

First of all, all the training courses offered by Jedha are certifiable. Attestations and certifications are an essential concern for our teams because : 

  • They enable you to show off your skills to future employers. 
  • They make our training courses eligible for a wide range of public funding, including the CPF

In this article, we present in detail the certifications associated with each training course, and answer your main questions on the subject: 

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🆕 Nouveau : nous délivrons un diplôme de niveau master 2 (bac +5) aux élèves ayant suivis notre formation Data Science Lead. Il s'agit du titre professionnel Architecte en Intelligence Artificielle, développé par Jedha et enregistré au RNCP par France Compétences le 27 mars 2024.

En pratique, un élève qui souhaite se reconvertir dans la Data Science et suit nos 3 formations Essentials, Fullstack et Lead pourra obtenir 2 diplômes en 5 mois : l’un de niveau bac +4, l’autre de niveau bac +5 !

What types of certification can be obtained on completion of a Jedha training course? 

Before going into detail about the certifications linked to each of our training courses, let's take a look at the different types of certification.  

Training completion certificate

At the end of all our training courses, you'll receive a certificate of achievement!

Qu’est-ce qu’une attestation de réussite ? C'est votre diplôme ! C’est un document qui atteste que vous avez bien complété votre formation chez Jedha. 

State-recognized professional titles, registered with the RNCP

All our training courses also enable you to obtain - in whole or in part - a state-recognized professional qualification. However, this is optional: we'll explain when it's worth doing! 

What is a vocational qualification? A vocational qualification is a certification attesting that you have mastered the skills, aptitudes and knowledge required to practice a profession.

Professional titles, and the organizations authorized to deliver them, are strictly regulated by the French government. Titles, and those who award them, must pass a thorough examination by France Compétences before being registered in the répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP). 

Chose rare dans le monde de la formation, nous avons fait le choix de développer nos propres titres professionnels et de les faire reconnaître par France Compétences. Cela demande du temps et des ressources mais c'est la meilleure manière de vous garantir des formations de qualité et une excellente insertion professionnelle.

Jedha is accredited by France Compétences to prepare and deliver two professional certifications: 

Why take a professional qualification?

  1. It's a great way to show off your skills to recruiters! 
  2. This is essential to obtain public funding (AIF, Transitions Pro, regional funding) and to be able to use your CPF to pay for our training courses. 

Is it enough to pass a part (= a block) of a professional qualification and not the whole qualification? Yes, it is, because passing just one block of skills is enough to unlock public funding! As far as recruiters are concerned, you'll also be able to demonstrate the specific skills linked to this block before a panel of experts.

‍ Is itcompulsory? No, not at all! Some of our students see no point in taking these professional designations and prefer to focus on building up a project portfolio.  

Publisher certifications 

Finally, after completing some of our Fullstack training courses, you'll have the required level to pass certain software publisher certifications. Of course, this is optional! These certifications are extremely valuable to employers, as they assure them that you have a certain level of proficiency in the tool in question.  

What is an editor certification? It's a certification issued by the company that creates a software or SaaS tool to attest to a certain level of use of their tool. 

Example: Microsoft has created the PL-300 certification, which attests to a certain level of use of their Power BI dataviz tool. 

Certifications offered by each course

We detail below the exact certifications you can obtain on completion of each of our training courses. 

All our training courses are eligible for CPF and other public funding, as they systematically enable you to validate at least one skills block of a professional qualification registered with the RNCP.

Data Training - Essentials

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Data Analysis Training - Fullstack

  • Up to 5 publisher certifications attesting to your ability to use certain tools and software:

✅ Google Analytics certification (free)

✅ Dataiku Machine Learning Practitioner certification (free)

Power BI PL-300 certification (€165 fee)

Hubspot CMS for Marketers certification (free)

Meta Digital Marketing Associate certification (free)

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Data Analysis Training - Lead

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Data Science training - Fullstack

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Data Science training - Lead

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Cybersecurity training - Essentials

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Cybersecurity training - Fullstack

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Generative AI Training

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Formation Power BI

  • Your certificate of achievement (your diploma!)
  • La Certification Power BI PL-300 (frais de passage de 165€) qui atteste de votre maîtrise avancée de Power BI

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Formation AWS Cloud Practitioner

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How does the certification process work? 

Certificate of achievement

The certificate of completion is issued within a few days of the end of your training, provided that : 

  • you have validated all content on our JULIE learning platform
  • you have presented your final project at the DemoDay held on the last day of your training course.

RNCP certification

Jedha is accredited by France Compétences to deliver all the RNCP qualifications for which our training courses provide preparation: so it's Jedha that organizes your RNCP qualification, and our teams that can answer all your questions!  

What are the assessment procedures? 

Assessment procedures vary depending on the qualification. In general, there are two types of assessment for the qualifications we prepare at Jedha: 

  • Projects to prepare and present before a jury 
  • A written exam with MCQs and open-ended questions. 

Don't worry: our training courses are designed to prepare you for certification. During your training, we'll explain the assessment procedures as you go along. An entire section of our JULIE learning platform is also dedicated to answering any questions you may have. 

How much time do you have to complete the certification process?  

The time you have to complete the certification depends on the learning format you choose: 

  • for full-time courses, you have 2 months from the end of the course to reserve a slot to take the certification exam. 
  • for part-time training courses, which last much longer, you need to reserve a slot to take the certification before the end of your training course. 

How does the certification process work? 

The exact certification procedures vary from one title to another, and will be communicated to you during your training, as well as on our JULIE learning platform. 

Nonetheless, the certification process is usually as follows: 

1. Submit your projects on our JULIE learning platform. 

2. Choose a date to take the certification. 

3. Pass the certification (presentation to the jury and/or written exam). Present your projects to the jury

4. Answer the jury's questions. 

5. Wait a few days for the final answer

Publisher certification

On completion of certain Fullstack training courses, you'll have the required level to take part in certain publisher certifications. Of course, you'll need to spend a few hours preparing specifically for the certification in question and its assessment procedures. 

Jedha does not directly manage publisher certification: each tool's publisher organizes its own certification .

Rest assured, it's easy to get certified by a software publisher. In most cases, all you have to do is register on the publisher's website, pay the certification fee if applicable, and then take a quick online MCQ. 

How much do the various certifications cost? 

Price of training certificate

The certificate is included in the price of your training course, so you don't have to pay anything for it! 

Prices for RNCP-registered professional titles

As RNCP certification is optional, its cost is not included in the price of our training courses .

Each RNCP qualification is made up of several parts called blocks. The cost varies according to the number of blocks in the certification you take: 

  • Full certification: €450
  • Partial certification: €250 for the first block + €50 for each additional block

Publisher certification awards 

It all depends on the certification! Some are completely free - Google, Meta, Hubspot - while others - AWS, Power BI - cost between $100 and $300. 

As these publisher certifications are optional, the cost of passing them is not included in the price of the Jedha training course

Do you have a question? Please contact us! 

Do you still have questions after reading this article? It's perfectly normal: certifications are a complex subject, and very important to the success of your professional project. 

For answers to your questions, you can : 

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Benoît Yèche
Benoît Yèche
Chief Marketing Officer
Benoît has been Jedha Bootcamp's Chief Marketing Officer since December 2022. A graduate of HEC and Sciences Po Paris, he specialized in marketing and start-ups. Passionate about Data Marketing and continuing education, he joined Jedha to develop the reputation of the benchmark Data and Cybersecurity school!

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