Data Science & Engineering

Data Scientist training

In 12 months, learn the Data Scientist profession with our work-study program, registered with the RNCP and recognized by the French State. Earn your certification in 450 hours and land your first job as a Data Scientist.

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Build your future in data

Become a Data Scientist in 12 months

The progress made in the field of Artificial Intelligence is dazzling. New uses and models of Machine Learning are emerging every month.

Choose a state of the art training, constantly updated. The training we offer is highly professional and will allow you to develop the skills most sought after by companies.

At the end of your Data Science Fullstack training at Jedha, you will be able to:

  • Collect and store large amounts of data
  • Building prediction models in Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Deploy your models in real conditions
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Build your future in data

The program of our internship in Data Science

Jedha Bootcamp

Train at Jedha, the benchmark school for training in Data and Cybersecurity.

In 450 hours, you'll learn the basics of the Data Scientist profession and become fully operational for your work-study placement.

Duration and pace:

  • 450 hours of classes over the alternating year

Part 1

Jedha Bootcamp

Detailed program
  1. Python Programming
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis
  3. Data Collection and Management
  4. Big Data
  5. Supervised Machine Learning
  6. Unsupervised Machine Learning
  7. Deep Learning
  8. Deployment
  9. Career Coaching
  10. Final project
To access the detailed program, visit our Data Scientist training page or download the syllabus.
Ifpass and work-linked training

12 months of hands-on training: the school for insurance and banking professions.

In 12 months, discover the world of insurance and banking through your courses at Ifpass, and gain your first professional experience.

Duration and pace:

  • 444 hours of classes over 12 months

  • 3 days in the company, 2 days in training

Part 2

Ifpass and work-linked training

Detailed program
  1. Insurance :
    • Technical and legal bases
    • Social, economic, legal and fiscal environment of clients
    • Insurance products and related services
  2. Customer relationship - commercial :
    • Professional communication
    • Negotiation and sales consulting
    • Marketing
  3. Digital organization and tools:
    • Control of the activity
    • Risk management
See detailed program

Double degree recognized by the State

At the end of your work-study in Data Analysis, you will be double graduated by 2 schools, Jedha and Ifpass.

At Jedha, we will deliver you the Data Science Developer certification. This is a level 6 diploma (Bac +3/4) recognized by the State and registered in the RNCP. This certification recognizes your skills in data analysis.

Ifpass will issue you with a State-recognized diploma of Insurance Advisor Bac +2 (level 5). This diploma guarantees your knowledge of the financial sector, and will facilitate your hiring by a large bank or insurance company.

Discover our certification

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Academic and technical excellence

Learning by doing

Training adapted to your professional and personal constraints

Best training in France
Best Data Science Bootcamp 2023
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Our next work-study programs

Take your Data Science training at a distance or on our campuses.

Oops! No session in this format is planned at this time, contact us for more information

Vous ne savez pas quel format choisir ?

Découvrez nos modalités d’apprentissage en détail dans notre article dédié.


How to register for our work-study program?

It's very simple! Schedule an appointment with our team to verify your eligibility for a work-study program. Depending on how long it takes to find a work-study offer, registration takes between 1 week and 1 month.



- Be less than 30 years old
- Have the level Bac+1 or a VAAP
- Have basic programming skills in Python and SQL or take our Data for Beginners course.


Career coaching

Meet with our admissions team and present your career plan.

We will check that your profile is suitable for work-study and recommend the best possible training.



Take a quick MCQ to assess your programming and mathematical skills.


Work-study offer

Find a company in the banking or insurance sector where you can complete your work-study program.

Our team will assist you in your search for a work-study program.

Why train in Data Science in a sandwich course?

Rapid professional integration

You get real 1st professional experience: follow an intensive training course and continue your on-the-job training.

Paid training for 12 months

You are paid by the host company for the duration of your training, which lasts 12 months.

Training costs covered

Training costs are covered by the host company.


Training Costs

Included in the course :

  • Access to courses for life
  • Close educational support
  • JULIE e-learning platform
  • Career coaching


By appointment

Hired or Refunded Guarantee

We believe in you and our program. If you don't get a job within 6 months of becoming certified, we will refund your tuition. Learn more about our program

How to finance your Data Science training course?

  • Finance your work-study program

Train with peace of mind! During the work-study year, the training costs are paid in full by the company that hosts you, with the help of its skills operator (OPCO). You are even paid a percentage of the minimum wage (from 53% to 100%), depending on your age.

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Download our syllabus

Download the syllabus of our training courses

Academic and technical excellence

Learning by doing

Training adapted to your professional and personal constraints

Best training in France
Best Data Science Bootcamp 2023
Discover the detailed program
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Get your first Data Scientist job

Our work-study program facilitates your professional integration. Whether it is a first job or a retraining, we have enabled dozens of students to become Data Scientists or Machine Learning Engineers.

I didn't have a very high level of math, and I wanted to move away from simply manipulating data to building on it. It's been an intensive journey, but my conversion is done!

Vincent Gargasson


Lead Data Scientist



French Tech logo

Thank you for the successful 3 months of Fullstack Data training: after an AI project with a Jedha partner, I got my job in Lille!

Gauthier Lecocq


Data Scientist



French Tech logo

Quality content, very clearly explained by very available teachers, I loved my 3 months at Jedha!

Karin Prabel


Data Scientist


River Side

French Tech logo
Taux de diplomation
98 %
Taux de satisfaction
93 %
Taux d'insertion à 2 ans
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Our work-study offers in Data Science

Jedha's teams will help you find a work-study program as a Data Scientist! You will be guided throughout the process, as this is a prerequisite for joining our work-study program.

Our work-study program is developed in partnership with Ifpass, the school specialized in insurance: it is therefore necessary that the company you join is in the financial or insurance sector.

Data Scientist

A Data Scientist is a professional who collects, cleans, mines and analyzes data to identify trends, patterns and actionable insights. Data Scientists work in many industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, and retail.

Data Science taught by experts

The courses are taught by Jedha Bootcamp and Ifpass experts to provide you with the best Data Scientist training. Stand out from the crowd and get your first job successfully.

Charles Tanguy
Charles Tanguy
Lead Instructor
Our very own Jedha Master! Charles is our Lead Instructor, having taught at Jedha since the first sessions. A double graduate of ENSAE & HEC, Charles is also the guarantor of the excellence of Jedha's course content.
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Charles Tanguy
A graduate in statistics from ENSAE and HEC Paris, Charles is our Lead Instructor. He first worked as a Data Scientist at PayWithMyBank in San Fransisco and then at MWM. Since 2018, he has been teaching Data Science and Data Engineering at Jedha and has participated in the development of most of our data training courses.
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Ines Ben Amor
Ines Ben Amor
Data Scientist
Inès knows her way around the language very well! With an engineering background, she succeeds perfectly in illustrating technical statements simply without losing the quality of the information.
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Ines Ben Amor
After completing her engineering studies at the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Étienne, with a double degree at EM Lyon, Inès began her career at Veamly, a company she still works for. There, she created several state-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms to classify messages, as well as a search engine!
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Laurent Michel-Amadry
Laurent Michel-Amadry
Always ready to listen and available to his students, Laurent brings a great depth of metaphors and illustrations in his explanations to really break down concepts for you: and for good reason, he does not originally come from a technical sector!
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Laurent Michel-Amadry
After several years as a sales and marketing manager in large companies, Laurent is moving to the technical side of the Force. Teaching, explaining, popularising, these are things that Laurent knows well. After several training courses, he soon realised that teaching was one of his vocations, which he put into practice. In parallel to his teaching activities, he set up his own Data Consulting company in Lyon, assisting clients at every stage of their Data projects.
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Your questions about training

What is the salary of a Data Science intern?

Why take a Data Scientist training course?

What are the skills of a Data Scientist?

What is the difference between a Data Analyst and a Data Scientist?

What is the language of instruction in your programs?

Is having your own personal computer a prerequisite for taking your training course?

Have a question? Ask our Admissions team!

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Download the syllabus of our training courses

Academic and technical excellence

Learning by doing

Training adapted to your professional and personal constraints

Best training in France
Best Data Science Bootcamp 2023
Discover the detailed program
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