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in Tech

Data & Cybersecurity training

Choose our training courses to retrain or upgrade your skills.

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Build your future in data

Our Data & Cyber training courses

Discover a new tech field and learn a new trade

Learning by doing
Individualized follow-up
State-recognized diploma
Data Analysis Essentials

Data Analyst training for beginners


Discover the world of Data, master its fundamental concepts and carry out your first project from A to Z.

  • Data Mining
  • Data Visualisation
  • Introduction to SQL
  • Cloud Computing basics
  • Introduction to Python
  • Statistics
  • A/B Testing
  • Basics of Machine Learning
Data Analysis Fullstack

Training to become a Data Analyst


Learn how to analyze the data produced by an organization and master all the skills of a Data Analyst. 

  • Business Analytics (Marketing, Product, Finance)
  • Advanced Python
  • Statistics
  • ETL & Data Warehousing
  • Advanced SQL
  • Data Visualisation (Power BI)
  • No-code predictive analysis (Dataiku)
Data Analysis Lead

Data Management Training


Maîtrisez les meilleures méthodes de gouvernance et de gestion de la donnée et pilotez des projets Data complexes.

  • Data Governance
  • Méthodes agiles en Data
  • Data Management (ETL & Warehousing)
  • Big Data Infrastructure Management
  • Data visualisation avancée (Tableau)
  • Data storytelling
Data Science & Eng. Essentials

Data Scientist training for beginners


Discover the world of Data, master its fundamental concepts and carry out your first project from A to Z.

  • Data Mining
  • Data Visualisation
  • Introduction to SQL
  • Cloud Computing basics
  • Introduction to Python
  • Statistics
  • A/B Testing
  • Basics of Machine Learning
Data Science & Eng. Fullstack

Training to become a Data Scientist


Learn how to create state-of-the-art Machine Learning and Deep Learning models and master all the skills of a Data Scientist.

  • Advanced Python
  • Data Collection (Web scraping)
  • Data Management (ETL & Warehousing)
  • Big Data Infrastructure Management
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Deployment of Data app on the web
Data Science & Eng. Lead

Training to become a Data Engineer


Learn how to deploy, manage and optimize complex Data infrastructures, and develop expertise that is unique on the market.

  • App deployment with Docker & Kubernetes
  • Distributed Machine Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Automated data pipelines
  • ELT & ETL processes with Airbyte
  • Machine Learning monitoring

Découvrez le monde de la Cybersécurité, maîtrisez-en les concepts fondamentaux et effectuez votre premier rapport de pentest.

  • Bases de l'IT
  • Sécurisation d'un système
  • Sécurisation d'un réseau
  • Sécurisation de services web
  • Introduction to Pentesting

Apprenez à auditer et protéger une infrastructure de A à Z et obtenez l’expertise nécessaire pour se reconvertir dans la Cybersécurité.

  • Systèmes & Réseaux
  • Recognition
  • Penetration Testing
  • Protection et surveillance d’une infra
  • Stealth Techniques
  • Reporting

Développez des compétences techniques et métiers de pointe et obtenez une vision 360° des enjeux cyber en entreprise.

  • Pentesting avancé (cloud, IAM)
  • Gestion des risques et audits
  • Gestion d’incidents
  • Analyse forensique & Reverse Engineering
  • Protection des données (GDPR, CCPA)

Create your own customized training program

Jedha est la seule école dans la Tech à proposer des formations par niveau : pour chaque parcours, nous proposons 3 niveaux (débutant, avancé et expert) ainsi que des formations Skills. Vous pouvez combiner ces niveaux pour vous construire un parcours de formation sur-mesure.

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Our Skills in Data training courses

Acquire specific skills and boost your career

Eligible for CPF
Temps partiel ou temps complet
Face-to-face or distance learning
Jedha alumnis
in Europe
Of professional integration
within 6 months
Average rating awarded
by our students

Why choose Jedha? We take stock!

The Jedha method: learn by doing!

Inspired by the American model, our pedagogy imparts concrete skills and prepares you for the pro world:

‣ 30% theory, 70% practice
‣ Adapted to each individual's level
‣ Individualized follow-up
‣ Life-long learning

Un suivi individualisé de votre 1er jour à votre 1er job

At Jedha, you'll never be left to your own devices. We offer a level of support unrivalled on the market.

Teachers, coaches, team members, alumni: the whole Jedha community is committed to ensuring the success of your professional project.

100% flexible training to suit your needs

We offer a tailor-made learning experience:

‣ 3 training levels: beginner, advanced, advanced.
2 learning formats: full-time or part-time.
Face-to-face, online or hybrid, at one of our 17 campuses.

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Choose excellence for your training

Depuis sa création en 2017, Jedha s'est imposée comme l'école de référence pour se former dans la Data et la Cybersécurité.

Reconnues pour leur qualité et leur sérieux, nos formations vous permettent de trouver le job de vos rêves et de réussir votre reconversion.

‣ Notées 4,98/5 par nos 2000 alumnis.
‣ Toutes nos formations sont certifiantes.
‣ Nommées Meilleur Bootcamp par SwitchUp et Course Report.

Download our syllabus
jedha campus lyon
#1 in France

Learn about AI

In Jedha's Artificial Intelligence training: you will get a real and concrete understanding of what is behind this now commonly used term. Beyond the theoretical knowledge, you will get a technical and global understanding of what Artificial Intelligence is by practicing on different projects:

Learn how to perform state-of-the-art modelling, be it in Machine Learning or Deep Learning. Master the entire modelling pipeline from data cleansing to the deployment of an application that houses your artificial intelligence algorithm. Practical application and practice will always be the two cornerstones of your training.

Enter the world of Python

Python is the programming language that all effective Tech professionals use. By following our training course on Python, you will become part of a gigantic and global community of contributors, developers and data professionals. This language has an infinite number of application cases from simple to complex projects.

For Tech recruiters: Python has become an almost critical skill. For recruiters of non-technical profiles, Python remains a major asset for candidates. As such, in all our training courses, Python remains the "red wire skill" that you will find in each of your modules.

Conversion to Data analysis

While the amount of data we generate every day is constantly increasing, we continually need to find ways to understand it. By following your data analysis training, you will understand how to extract key information through efficient practices. In a data project, it is always better to start with a simple and quick method of data analysis than a complex Artificial Intelligence model.

Data Visualisation, Database Management with SQL, Data Management - these are all key skills we can teach you that allow you to understand and effectively operate in the world around you.

1st data science bootcamp in Europe!

No typical Jedha profile

Never coded before? You don't have an engineering degree? But you're highly motivated and curious? Our level-based training courses enable everyone to build a tailor-made training path and retrain in just a few months.

My job is becoming increasingly automatable and having technical skills is essential.

‍WithJedha, I've been able to move into a technical profession while remaining in the same sector!‍

Agata Gramatyka
From Insurance Broker to Senior Data Scientist @ Direct Assurance

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Jean Moncade
sports coach to Data Analyst @ Oppidum Communication

I really didn't think I'd be able to change my life so much in 3 months of training . ..

With Jedha I was able to discover the world of Tech in general and the Data Scientist profession.

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See more testimonials

Having teachers on a daily basis and being able to attend classes face-to-face were real pluses.

It's a program that really adapts to those starting from scratch like me.

Avaha Cohen
Doctor of Pharmacy

French Tech logo

I was able to retrain in cybersecurity thanks to the training offered by Jedha.

The teachers are pros in the field who pass on their know-how.

Haykel Haddaji
Web Developer to Cybersecurity Consultant

French Tech logo
They recruit our alumni

Realize your professional project with Jedha

When you choose Jedha, you'll have everything you need to succeed in your professional project.

Our highly professional courses are designed around the real needs of companies. Throughout your course, you'll work on practical projects and build up a portfolio that will be essential for your future career.

From your first admission interview to the completion of your project, you'll be supported by the Jedha community. Teachers, admissions officers, alumni: everyone is mobilized to advise you and open the right doors for you.

Apply to our training courses

Reconversion: land your dream job

Ready for a career change? Our Fullstack training courses give you the business skills you need to make the switch to Tech in just a few months.

Upgrade your skills: boost your career!

Invest in your training! In just a few weeks, our Essentials and Lead courses will give you the skills that make all the difference in the professional world.

Entrepreneurship: launch your own project!

Make Jedha your springboard to launch your project. Gain cutting-edge skills in Data and Cyber, and tap into our community of enthusiasts.

Showcase your skills with our certification courses

Chose rare dans le monde de la formation, nous avons fait le choix de développer nos propres titres professionnels et de les faire reconnaître par France Compétences.

Cela demande du temps et des ressources mais c'est la meilleure manière de vous garantir des formations de qualité et une excellente insertion professionnelle.

À l'issue de nos formations, vous pourrez obtenir jusqu'à 3 types de certifications :
• votre attestation de réussite (c'est votre diplôme !)
• une partie ou la totalité d'un titre professionnel développé par Jedha, reconnu par l'État français et enregistré au RNCP
• des certifications éditeurs

L'ensemble de ces certifications vous permettent de faire valoir vos compétences auprès des recruteurs. Elles rendent également nos formations éligibles au CPF et à de nombreux financements publics.

JULIE, the platform that makes learning easier

Replays, challenges, quizzes... and much more!

Everything you need to succeed in your training can be found on JULIE. Missed a class? The replay is on JULIE. Want to revise? Take advantage of the exercises and quizzes. 

Lifetime access to your training content

Your skills development doesn't stop at the end of your training. Tech professions require you to be able to update your skills on an ongoing basis. To help you do this, we've given you lifetime access to JULIE. 

A 100% integrated working environment

Computer not powerful enough? Afraid of making configurations? Work in the best possible conditions with our Workstations, pre-configured virtual machines specially designed for our training courses.

Would you like to find out more about JULIE and our teaching method?
Dozens of hours of Data & Cybersecurity training courses are available free of charge on JULIE. Register in 3 clicks!

Your Jedha Masters:

Our teachers are all Data and Cybersecurity professionals, chosen for their passion and expertise. In addition to their professional activities, they teach at Jedha and pass on their field experience to our students.

Discover our Jedha masters
Adrien Acquistapace
Adrien Acquistapace
Data Scientist
National Gendarmerie
Andreea Turcu
Andreea Turcu
Data Career Coach
Aurélie Mutschler
Aurélie Mutschler
Lead Instructor
Charles Tanguy
Charles Tanguy
Lead Instructor
Florian Amette
Florian Amette
Cybersecurity Consultant & CEO
Guillaume Manderscheid
Guillaume Manderscheid
Data Scientist / Data Engineer Freelance
Ines Ben Amor
Ines Ben Amor
Data Scientist
Jordan Douliez
Jordan Douliez
Safety Engineer
Jérémie Amsellem
Jérémie Amsellem
Senior IT Security Consultant
Laurent Michel-Amadry
Laurent Michel-Amadry
Mathis Linger
Mathis Linger
Data Scientist
BNP Paribas

Tech Courses Built With Passion

"The future is not determined by a diploma, but shaped by our will alone."
Antoine Krajnc - Founder of Jedha

En 2023, la Tech offre à chacun la possibilité de façonner son avenir. Et chez Jedha, nous oeuvrons chaque jour pour vous permettre de saisir ces opportunités. Pour rendre les métiers de la Data et de la Cyber accessibles, nous avons créé des formations accélérées reconnues par l'État et les employeurs.

6 ans après notre première session de formation, c'est une grande fierté de voir le chemin accompli : nous avons accompagné 2000 alumnis dans la réussite de leur projet professionnel.

Ils ont créé des start-ups ou rejoint de prestigieuses entreprises. Ils nous ont prouvé que l’avenir n’est pas déterminé par un diplôme, mais façonné par notre seule volonté. Leur réussite est notre réussite.

Join a community of enthusiasts

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Build your Tech network

Meet other peers who want to build a future in Tech and join a supportive community of Data and Cyber professionals.

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Get involved in campus life

Recruitment forums, career events, aperitifs, DemoDay: take part in the events that punctuate campus life every week!

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Stay connected via Discord

Job vacancies, code debugging, tech news: the Jedha community is also alive and kicking online on our Discord.