Get your VAE

If you feel that you have already acquired all the skills taught in the Jedha "Data Science Designer-Developer" certificate programs, you can apply for validation of prior learning (VAE).

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Booklet 1 - Eligibility file

The first step of the VAE process is the evaluation of the admissibility of the application by the booklet 1. The candidate will have to download, fill in and send to the "Admissions" department of Jedha theofficial form CERFA n°12818*02, as well as all the documents that can support his admissibility via the address

The following administrative documents are included in the "livret 1" and must be attached to the file:

  • The official CERFA n°12818*02 form completed by the VAE candidate
  • A photocopy of a valid national identity card or passport.
  • A letter of motivation and professional objectives.
  • Photocopies of the diplomas obtained as well as certificates detailing the content of the courses followed and their hourly volume.
  • The certificate(s) of continuing education, with, if possible, the contents as well as the modalities of any verification of knowledge acquisition.
  • Certificates of training courses.
  • Certificates of employment.
  • Certificates of voluntary activities.

The VAE candidate must justify :

  1. One year of verifiable experience, directly related to the certification programme
  2. A European level 5 degree in a scientific and/or economic field. Internationally, an equivalent level is required. This level will be justified by the learner's CV.
  3. Fluent English (B2 level in written comprehension and expression and B1 level in oral comprehension and expression of the European CEFR reference framework)

At the same time, they may request an interview with the admissions department to support their motivations and/or ask questions about the entire procedure for evaluating their application.

The Admissions Department is then responsible for assessing the admissibility of the application and informing the applicant within a maximum of two months by return e-mail or registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. If the application is accepted, the applicant will receive a letter detailing the instructions for putting together the application and the steps to take to register for an assessment session. 

The fee for the study of the candidate's eligibility for VAE is 200€ excluding VAT, payable when the file is sent to activate its study.

Booklet 2 - Validation file

Once the candidate has been accepted, he or she will be given instructions for preparing and completing the second booklet, his or her validation file, which will be examined by the jury. He or she will have six months from the announcement of admissibility to submit the complete file. Details of the instructions are given in the introduction to the famous VAE booklet 2 that will be sent to the candidate. Once the file is complete, the candidate submits it to the VAE registration officer for validation before going before the jury.

The fee for the study of the candidate's eligibility for VAE is 1000€ excluding VAT, payable when the file is sent to activate its study. 

The latter should detail :

  • The list of his experiences & activities related to the certification he wishes to highlight
  • Details of the activities and tasks performed: the context, their objectives, the skills used to achieve them, their results, the level of responsibility, etc.
  • The positions in which he/she carried out these activities
  • The organisations for which he/she carried out these activities (including the overall impact he/she had on the organisation)
  • The evidence in the appendix (e.g. an extract of the algorithm on the applicant's GitHub account, ...

The jury assessing the candidate for the "Data Science Designer and Developer" certification may base its assessment on :

  • On a portfolio of the applicant's projects on presenting algorithms for web data collection and storage or machine learning, deep or unstructured, of structured or unstructured data
  • A final presentation of the exploratory analysis of the data extracted and/or processed by the applicant, detailing the recommendations highlighted by the data
  • A presentation of the impact of the implementation of data processes on the project implementation and/or on the whole organisation. 
  • All of these achievements may be included as an annex to the applicant's dossier if the level of confidentiality and security allows. Where appropriate, a non-disclosure agreement for these annexes can be put in place with the applicant and the organisation requesting it.
  • Letters of recommendation from the management of former organisations where the employee has implemented data processes may also be added to the file as an annex
  • Referrers from these organisations, upon production of their contact details by the applicant, may be contacted.

Jedha does not offer coaching but can refer the applicant to various organisations that can assist in the writing of the application.

The aim of this file is to prove that the candidate has acquired, through his or her professional experience, the skills required to obtain the title of "Data Science Designer Developer". It is from the detailed description of the activities and the context in which they were carried out that the jury will detect the skills that have been implemented and will then check whether they comply with the requirements of the "Data Science Designer Developer" title. Following the jury's assessment of the validation file, it will interview the candidate.

The timeframe for obtaining the VAE of "Data Science Designer and Developer" through Jedha ranges from 6 months to one year.