Cyber Security

Training Information Systems Security Manager

In 450 hours, master all aspects of IT security, learn how to protect an infrastructure and obtain your first CISO position.

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Become a CISO in 450 hours

Faced with the threat of cyber-attacks, companies need cybersecurity experts capable of protecting their information systems. To do this, they are recruiting large numbers of CISOs at very attractive salaries.

At the end of your Cybersecurity training at Jedha, you'll be able to :

  • Identify and exploit vulnerabilities in an organization
  • Apply security principles and protect an infrastructure
  • Detecting and responding to a cyber attack
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Nos formations en Cybersécurité sont conçues par niveau et peuvent se combiner. Si vous débutez en sécurité informatique, vous pouvez d’abord suivre notre formation Cyber pour débutant. Et pour aller plus loin, nous proposons une formation avancée en Cybersécurité.

Our training program to become a CISO

From Zero to IT Hero

Before you start learning about cybersecurity, it's time for a refresher course in computer science! In this first module, you'll (re)discover the fundamentals of programming, how a computer and OS work, network protocols and how the web works.

Module 1

From Zero to IT Hero

Skills mastered
  • Programming: fundamentals, IDE, scripting in Bash and Python, discovering C and compilers.
  • How a computer works: in terms of components, architecture and operating system (Linux, MacOS, Windows).
  • Networks: discovery of the OSI model, the most common protocols (DNS, SMTP, POP3, FTP etc.) and other fundamental concepts (proxy, VPN, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth).
  • How the Web works: review of the HTTP protocol and the main languages (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL).

It's time to get to the heart of the matter! You'll start your cybersecurity training with reconnaissance, an essential phase in the exploration of your "target". In this module, you'll learn active and passive methods for gathering information, as well as tools and techniques for identifying system vulnerabilities.

Module 2


Skills acquired :
  • Information gathering techniques: mastery of passive and active methods, including the use of tools and techniques such as Google Dorking, Shodan, and OSINT.
  • Scanning tools such as Nmap, Netdiscover, Nessus and OpenVAS.
  • Discover enumeration and sniffing techniques.
Red Team

Discover the offensive side of cyber! In an IT department, the Red Team, made up of pentesters or ethical hackers, is responsible for identifying and preventively exploiting vulnerabilities. In this module, you'll learn to think like an attacker to better protect your future employers or customers!

Module 3

Red Team

Skills mastered :
  • Discover pentesting: methodology, exploit concept and use of Metasploit.
  • Web attacks: master various vulnerabilities and attacks, including OWASP, SQLi, XSS, and many more!
  • Network attacks: such as Spoofing, ARP poisoning, MITM, DHCP, and DNS.
  • OS operation and post-operation: Microsoft, Linux and MacOS.
  • Advanced attacks on Active Directory, Docker and radio-frequency systems.
  • Discover social engineering: techniques such as phishing.
Blue Team

The Blue Team has a defensive role: it protects IT systems and responds to cyberattacks. In this module, you'll put yourself in its shoes and learn how to strengthen your infrastructures, detect intrusions and respond to an attack.

Module 4

Blue Team

Skills mastered
  • Blue Team fundamentals: discovering the structure, key concepts, frameworks and tools used.
  • Reinforcing infrastructure protection: using hardening techniques.
  • Monitoring and intrusion detection: with tools for traffic capture & analysis, platform monitoring and much more.
Stealth Techniques

To exploit a vulnerability, penetration is only the first step. Hackers need to maintain access and cover their tracks. In this module, you'll discover the techniques they employ, so you'll be better equipped to counter them.

Module 5

Stealth Techniques

Skills mastered
  • Antivirus evasion: mastering techniques to thwart detection by antivirus software.
  • Persistence: discover the techniques needed to maintain discrete, continuous access to target systems.
  • Trace concealment: methods for erasing signs of malicious activity, including log falsification and timestamp manipulation.

An often underestimated but crucial element in cybersecurity is the art of reporting, essential for communicating effectively on identified threats and implemented solutions! In this module, you'll learn how to create clear, hard-hitting pentest and compromise reports.

Module 6


Skills mastered
  • Creation of pentest reports: mastery of methodology and tools (Flameshot, Pwndocs)
  • Compromise reports: to document intrusions and responses to them
Career & Final project

Your training is coming to an end! To facilitate your professional integration, a seasoned cybersecurity expert will share his vision of the market with you during a career coaching session. Then you'll put all your new skills into action during a Capture The Flag Attack and Defense: you'll take it in turns to play the roles of the Red Team and the Blue Team!

Module 7 & 8

Career & Final project

Skills mastered
  • Improving your CV: to make it impactful and in line with the standards of IT security professionals.
  • Online presence: perfect your LinkedIn profile and learn about personal branding to boost your profile on professional platforms.
  • Interview preparation: methods and tips for standing out from the crowd and highlighting your specialist skills.
  • Direct application of your new cybersecurity skills: reconnaissance, attack, evasion, defense and reporting.
See detailed program

Double recognition of your skills

Once you have completed your training to become a CISO, you will be able to obtain 2 types of certification to demonstrate your skills on the job market:

  • Your certificate of achievement (your diploma!)

Thanks to the validation of this professional qualification, our training course is eligible for CPF and most public funding.

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Academic and technical excellence

Learning by doing

Training adapted to your professional and personal constraints

Best training in France
Best Data Science Bootcamp 2023
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Our next training sessions

Take your training by distance learning or at one of our 17 campuses in Paris, Lyon, Lille, Marseille, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Nantes and many other cities in France and Europe.

Part-time work
Individual coaching on demand
1 live class per module
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Monday to Friday
10am - 6pm
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Part-time work
Individual coaching on demand
1 live class per module
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Monday to Friday
10am - 6pm
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Part-time work
Individual coaching on demand
1 live class per module
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Monday to Friday
10am - 6pm
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Vous ne savez pas quel format choisir ?

Découvrez nos modalités d’apprentissage en détail dans notre article dédié.


How to apply for our RSSI training course?

Nothing could be easier! Make an appointment with our team to refine your professional project. Depending on the course you choose and the necessary financing, your registration will take between 1 week and 1 month.


Career coaching

Discuss your career plans with our admissions team. We'll recommend the most suitable training and course format.


Placement test

Take a quick MCQ to assess your programming and systems skills.



Make your project a reality with the help of our team.
Searching for financing, putting together the file: we accompany you from A to Z.


  • You'll need basic programming skills in Shell & Python. Alternatively, you can take our Cybersecurity for Beginners course to prepare yourself.
  • Il est également nécessaire d'être à l'aise pour lire et comprendre des contenus en anglais (niveau B1/B2) : nos cours sont dispensés en français mais les ressources pédagogiques (cours écrits, exercices, projets) sont en anglais.

Learn about information systems security

Réussissez votre reconversion comme Responsable de la sécurité des systèmes d'information avec notre formation. Vous pouvez la suivre sous forme accélérée à temps complet ou à temps partiel. La formation est disponible à distance ou en présentiel.

Temps complet (3 mois)

  • 450 hours of classroom learning
  • Monday to Friday, 9:30am - 6pm
  • À temps complet sur 3 mois

Online or at one of our 17 campuses

  • Accelerated training
  • Prom spirit
  • Work discipline
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Temps partiel (7 mois)

  • 450 hours of blended learning (independent work, courses, coaching)
  • At your own pace (2 hours per day)
  • À temps partiel sur 7 mois

On line

  • Adapted to your professional and personal constraints
  • Independent learning
  • Accessible worldwide
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Training Costs

Included in the course :

  • Access to courses for life
  • Close educational support
  • JULIE e-learning platform
  • Career coaching

Temps complet

7 495 €

Part-time work

7 495 €

Hired or Refunded Guarantee

We believe in you and our program. If you don't get a job within 6 months of becoming certified, we will refund your tuition. Learn more about our program

How can you finance your training to become a CISO?

  • Personal Training Account (CPF)

Our RSSI training course is eligible for the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF). Use all or part of your CPF balance to pay for it.

  • Paiement en 3 fois sans frais

Étalez le paiement de votre formation en 3 mensualités, et cela sans aucun frais grâce à notre partenaire Stripe !

  • Low-rate student loans

Take advantage of a student loan at a preferential rate with Société Générale. There's no age limit, and you start repaying once you've completed your training.

  • Your employer or your OPCO

If you are employed, your employer can finance your training, either directly or through its OPCO. Our teams will help you put together a file.

Last but not least, our training is also eligible for a wide range of public funding schemes, includingPôle Emploi's AIF, Transitions Pro and other regional funding schemes.

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Download the syllabus of our training courses

Academic and technical excellence

Learning by doing

Training adapted to your professional and personal constraints

Best training in France
Best Data Science Bootcamp 2023
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A successful transition to CISO

Choose our first-rate training to become an expert in IT security. In just 3 months, you'll have the keys to a successful career change, like dozens of Jedha students before you. Make the choice that will propel your career to new heights!

Les instructeurs sont compétents et passionnés, et l'atmosphère collaborative du campus de Paris a vraiment enrichi mon expérience d'apprentissage. Je recommande vivement Jedha ! May The 4th Be With You.

Ahmed Housni


Consultant en Cybersécurité


French Tech logo

Cyber Security is a definite future for me as a developer. Both the content and the trainer were great, there will be a follow-up for me!

Emmanuelle Dennemont


From Developer to Cybersecurity Consultant


French Tech logo

It was a great experience! An intensive programme, taught and kept up to date with the latest technologies, ultra-competent teachers (thanks to them), connected to the tech world and very good communication between the team and the students. Once again, a great experience.

Olga Kurnosova




French Tech logo
Taux de diplomation
98 %
Taux de satisfaction
93 %
Taux d'insertion à 2 ans
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Why become a CISO?

In the face of cyber-attacks and their financial consequences, CISOs are playing an increasingly strategic role within companies. And his or her salary is a consequence. It is all the more attractive given the shortage of Information Systems Security Managers on the market.

CISO salary

In general, the average salary for an Information Systems Security Manager in France is between €70,000 and €100,000 gross per year. For a junior profile, the salary starts at €40,000 to €50,000 gross per year.

Computer network security taught by professionals

Our Jedha Masters are real experts! These cybersecurity professionals have solid experience in the field. Thanks to their hands-on expertise, they'll pass on practical knowledge that's directly applicable in the workplace.

Florian Amette
Florian Amette
Cybersecurity Consultant & CEO
"In Cybersecurity, there is no lack of work!" This is what Florian told you when he was leading his workshop on Pentest. From employee, to entrepreneur, to freelance, Florian has worked for many different organisations.
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Florian Amette
After 5 years of studies at HEI (Haute Ecole d'Ingénieur), Florian joined the teams of Saint-Gobain, Sopra Steria and then a famous consulting firm as a Consultant in Intrastructure and Cybersecurity. He then worked with the Ares Cyber Expertise team as a freelancer for more than a year and a half. He then created his own Cybersecurity consulting company, Faksight, and taught at Jedha in parallel.
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Guillaume Gracieux
Guillaume Gracieux
Senior IT Security Consultant
Computer systems know him well, and vice versa! After 6 years at university, Guillaume became a systems engineer for i-BP (Banque Populaire), CGG Veritas and then Talendus.
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Guillaume Gracieux
He stayed there for no less than 3 years as a Pentesting engineer. He then joined the Econocom team as an SSI auditor and then OKIDOK where he conducted several Cybersecurity awareness workshops.
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Jordan Douliez
Jordan Douliez
Safety Engineer
Jordan is one of the authors of our Cybersecurity programmes! After 5 years at the École des Hautes Technologies et du Numérique, Jordan held positions as Scrum Master & developer and then technical project manager.
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Jordan Douliez
Following his experience as a Technical Project Manager, he joined Thalès as a Security Engineer. In parallel, he works as a freelancer, allowing him to work in various sectors!
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Your questions about training

How do I become an Information Systems Security Manager?

What is the role of the Information Systems Security Manager?

Why become a CISO?

What does the day-to-day work of a CISO entail?

What skills are essential for a CISO?

What is the average salary for an entry-level CISO?

Is the training in French or English?

Is it essential to have your own computer for Jedha training courses?

What is the total cost of training to become a CISO?

Have a question? Ask our Admissions team!

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Download the syllabus of our training courses

Academic and technical excellence

Learning by doing

Training adapted to your professional and personal constraints

Best training in France
Best Data Science Bootcamp 2023
Discover the detailed program
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