Data Science & Engineering

Data Engineering Training

Ajoutez une compétence cruciale à votre CV en vous formant au Data Engineering. En 150h, maîtrisez les bases du métier de Data Engineer et validez vos compétences avec notre certification reconnue par l'État.

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Build your future in data

Become an expert in Data Engineering

Vous travaillez déjà dans la Data ? Développez une double-compétence très demandée ! En 2024, les entreprises recherchent des profils hybrides entre Data Scientist et Data Engineer. En 150h, obtenez des bases solides en Data Engineering et Deep Learning.

À la fin de votre formation Data Science Lead chez Jedha, vous serez en mesure de :

  • Robustly deploy your applications with Docker and Kubernetes
  • Build a data pipeline to analyze the data generated by your applications
  • Automate and monitor your Machine Learning models
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Build your future in data

Create your own customized training program

Our Data training courses are designed by level and can be combined. If you don't already have an advanced level in Data Science, you can take our Data training for beginners or our training to become a Data Scientist.

The program of our Data Engineer training

Deployment & Distributed Machine Learning

In this first module, you will learn how to deploy your AI application on any server, using Docker. Mastering Kubernetes will ensure that it runs smoothly, no matter how many users you have. You will learn how to increase the computational speed of your AI model tenfold with Ray, a distributed Machine Learning Framework. This will allow you to work on more complex Machine Learning or Deep Learning models.

Module 1

Deployment & Distributed ML

Skills mastered
  • Deploying Machine Learning applications using Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Distributed Machine Learning & Deep Learning, with the Ray framework.
Reinforcement Learning

In this module, you will discover a little-known field of AI, Reinforcement Learning, used for video games and robotics. You will continue to develop your expertise on Docker and Kubernetes, two skills that are highly sought after by recruiters. You will also learn how to create your own development environment and improve the power and speed of your models.

Module 2

Reinforcement Learning

Skills mastered
  • Docker and Kubernetes: state of the art mastery of these deployment tools.
  • Open Source RLib library: improve the power and speed of your models.
  • Open AI Gym library: create your own development environment, 100% customizable to your needs.
Data Pipelines

Now that your application is deployed, it generates a lot of data. In this module, you will learn how to build a real Data pipeline to collect and analyze this data. You will also learn how to analyze data that arrives continuously: this is the concept of Streaming Data. Finally, you will master Graph Data Science, very much used by recommendation systems to establish a link between 2 similar products or users.

Module 3

Data Pipelines

Skills mastered
  • Extract/Load/Transform (ELT) process: concept and implementation with Airbyte on Kubernetes.
  • Streaming Data: real-time data ingestion and processing with Kafka.
  • Graph Data Science: creation of a data network, with the Neo4j database management system.
Automation & Workflow

In this module, you will discover the power of automation to gain efficiency! You will create automation between applications using simple tools like Zapier, and learn best practices. You will also discover how to automate your data pipeline with Airflow.

Module 4

Automation & Workflow

Skills mastered
  • Data Governance:founding principles, strategy design, roadmap definition and choice of performance indicators.
  • Cross-application automation: best practices & creation with Zapier.
  • Automate your data pipeline with Airflow.
Machine Learning Monitoring

The last step is to ensure that your application performs as expected. In this module, you will learn how to monitor your model once deployed. You will learn the basics of ML Monitoring, with Evidently AI, and discover best practices that are rarely taught and yet extremely beneficial for any Tech professional.

Module 5

Machine Learning Monitoring

Skills mastered
  • Machine Learning Monitoring: best practices and use of Evidently AI.
Final project

In this last module, you will use all what you have learned about Docker and Kubernetes to put your Machine Learning model into production. You will choose among 4 projects proposed by the Jedha team to build a Data architecture, make it scalable, build the whole data pipeline starting from the application and monitor the whole thing to make sure there are no bugs.

Module 6

Final project

Skills mastered
  • Create a Data Governance strategy.
  • Apply agile methods to Data projects.
See detailed program

Obtenez un diplôme Bac+5

At the end of your Data Engineer training, you will be able to obtain 2 types of certification to demonstrate your skills on the job market:

  • Your certificate of achievement (your diploma!)

Thanks to the validation of this professional qualification, our training course is eligible for CPF and most public funding.

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Academic and technical excellence

Learning by doing

Training adapted to your professional and personal constraints

Best training in France
Best Data Science Bootcamp 2023
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Our next training sessions

Take your training by distance learning or at one of our 17 campuses in Paris, Lyon, Lille, Marseille, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Nantes and many other cities in France and Europe.

Monday to Friday
9:30am - 6pm
Last seats!
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Part-time work
Individual coaching on demand
1 live class per module
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Part-time work
Individual coaching on demand
1 live class per module
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Part-time work
Individual coaching on demand
1 live class per module
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Part-time work
Individual coaching on demand
1 live class per module
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Monday to Friday
9:30am - 6pm
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Monday to Friday
9:30am - 6pm
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Part-time work
Individual coaching on demand
1 live class per module
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Part-time work
Individual coaching on demand
1 live class per module
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Oops! No session in this format is planned at this time, contact us for more information

Vous ne savez pas quel format choisir ?

Découvrez nos modalités d’apprentissage en détail dans notre article dédié.


How to apply to our Data Engineering course?

Nothing could be easier! Make an appointment with our team to refine your professional project. Depending on the course you choose and the necessary financing, your registration will take between 1 week and 1 month.


Career coaching

Discuss your career plans with our admissions team. We'll recommend the most suitable training and course format.


Placement test

Take a quick MCQ to assess your programming and mathematical skills.



Make your project a reality with the help of our team.
Searching for financing, putting together the file: we accompany you from A to Z.


  • Il est nécessaire d'avoir au moins 2 ans d'expérience en Data Science. Si ce n’est pas le cas, vous pouvez suivre notre formation en Data science.
  • Il est également nécessaire d'être à l'aise pour lire et comprendre des contenus en anglais (niveau B1/B2) : nos cours sont dispensés en français mais les ressources pédagogiques (cours écrits, exercices, projets) sont en anglais.

Learn Data Engineering at your own pace

Increase your skills in Data Science & Data Engineering easily. Online training or Bootcamp: we have a training that corresponds to your project of reconversion!

Temps complet (1 mois)

  • 150h d'apprentissage en classe
  • Monday to Friday, 9:30am - 6pm
  • À temps complet sur 1 mois

Online or at one of our 17 campuses

  • Accelerated training
  • Prom spirit
  • Work discipline
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Temps partiel (3 mois)

  • 150h d'apprentissage hybride (travail en autonomie, cours, coaching)
  • At your own pace (2 hours per day)
  • À temps partiel sur 3 mois

On line

  • Adapted to your professional and personal constraints
  • Independent learning
  • Accessible worldwide
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Training Costs

Included in the course :

  • Access to courses for life
  • Close educational support
  • JULIE e-learning platform
  • Career coaching

Temps complet

3 995 €
2 995 €
Early Bird

Part-time work

3 995 €
2 995 €
Early Bird

Hired or Refunded Guarantee

We believe in you and our program. If you don't get a job within 6 months of becoming certified, we will refund your tuition. Learn more about our program

How to finance your training to become a Data Engineer?

  • Personal Training Account (CPF)

Our Data Engineer training course is eligible for the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF). Use all or part of your CPF balance to pay for it.

  • Paiement en 3 fois sans frais

Étalez le paiement de votre formation en 3 mensualités, et cela sans aucun frais grâce à notre partenaire Stripe !

  • Low-rate student loans

Take advantage of a student loan at a preferential rate with Société Générale. There's no age limit, and you start repaying once you've completed your training.

  • Your employer or your OPCO

If you are employed, your employer can finance your training, either directly or through its OPCO. Our teams will help you put together a file.

Last but not least, our training is also eligible for a wide range of public funding schemes, including Pôle Emploi's AIF, Transitions Pro and other regional funding schemes.

Apply for the Course
Download our syllabus

Download the syllabus of our training courses

Academic and technical excellence

Learning by doing

Training adapted to your professional and personal constraints

Best training in France
Best Data Science Bootcamp 2023
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Succeed in your transition to Data Engineer

Choose one of the best training courses to become a Data Engineer. We've helped dozens of professionals hone their Data Science & Data Engineering skills and move on to more technical, higher-paying jobs in the field.

We were accompanied with passion and enthusiasm: Laurent is very competent technically to approach complex subjects, but also, very pedagogical to teach them well. Excellent training to learn about Data Engineering.

Arturo Guizar


CTO @, Data Consulting


French Tech logo

Very, very dense training, and very enriching! Our teacher Samuel was always available and attentive throughout the course.

Lucas Guivier


Data Engineering Consultant


French Tech logo

From the concepts of DevOps or Data Engineering to their implementation on more complex ETL projects, I came out of the course with the necessary skills to implement more complex data projects in production.

Delphine Jean


Data Consultant


French Tech logo
Taux de diplomation
98 %
Taux de satisfaction
93 %
Taux d'insertion à 2 ans
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The opportunities of our training in Data Engineering

Our Data Engineering training will allow you to reach a higher level of expertise and access more technical jobs in the field: Data Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, ML Ops. It's the perfect follow-up to your career as a Data Scientist, or if you've just started training to become a Data Scientist.

Data Engineer

It is a highly technical job! The Data Engineer is in charge of designing, building and managing Data infrastructures. He is the one who allows the work of Data Scientists to have a concrete application by putting their models into production.

Data Science and Data Engineering taught by professionals

They are the Jedha masters! Our trainers and content creators are active professionals in the Data field. As Lead Data Scientists or Data Engineers themselves, they have a real technical expertise in Data Engineering that they pass on to you during the training.

Charles Tanguy
Charles Tanguy
Lead Instructor
Our very own Jedha Master! Charles is our Lead Instructor, having taught at Jedha since the first sessions. A double graduate of ENSAE & HEC, Charles is also the guarantor of the excellence of Jedha's course content.
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Charles Tanguy
A graduate in statistics from ENSAE and HEC Paris, Charles is our Lead Instructor. He first worked as a Data Scientist at PayWithMyBank in San Fransisco and then at MWM. Since 2018, he has been teaching Data Science and Data Engineering at Jedha and has participated in the development of most of our data training courses.
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Guillaume Manderscheid
Guillaume Manderscheid
Data Scientist / Data Engineer Freelance
Beyond being a fine popularizer, Guillaume is marked by his passion for Tech. Having first worked for important structures in the energy sector (notably at ENGIE), he flew to San Francisco where he worked as a Data Scientist / Data Engineer.
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Guillaume Manderscheid
In San Francisco, he worked not only on modelling, but also on deployment. It was at this point that he made a shift to Data Engineering by joining Strateos as a Data Engineer. When he came back to Paris, he rediscovered his passion for teaching and delivered courses on each of our 3 Data programs.
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Laurent Morelli
Laurent Morelli
Laurent is as good a manager as he is a technician! Laurent teaches Data Science as well as Data Engineering and will give you precious advice on the direction to take in your projects, all with the aim of making you more autonomous.
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Laurent Morelli
Laurent is as good a manager as he is a technician. He worked for more than 3 years at Matters Startup Studio, a company developing web applications. As Head of AI, he developed the whole Data department on various issues. He then created 2 companies. The first one, Paprika, helping startups with Machine Learning methods and the second one, Timelight in March 2019. Timelight is a tool helping companies in their analysis of temporal data: precious advice to ask Laurent!
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Your questions about training

What is the difference between a Data Engineer and a Data Scientist?

How do I become a Data Engineer?

What is the salary of a Data Engineer?

What's a typical day like for a Data Engineer?

What skills are crucial for a Data Engineer?

What is the role of a Data Engineer?

What language are Jedha courses taught in?

Do I need to bring my own computer to take part in the Jedha training courses?

How much does it cost to take part in your Data Engineering course?

What are the pre-requisites to join the Lead course?

Have a question? Ask our Admissions team!

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Download the syllabus of our training courses

Academic and technical excellence

Learning by doing

Training adapted to your professional and personal constraints

Best training in France
Best Data Science Bootcamp 2023
Discover the detailed program
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