Leaving the civil service: the complete guide

Benoît Yèche
Benoît Yèche
Chief Marketing Officer
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Leaving the civil service: the complete guide

Do you dream of leaving your job as a civil servant, but don't know how? The civil service, whether state, local or hospital, can be like a labyrinth: it can be hard to find your way out ... 

That's why we've put together a comprehensive guide to help you leave the civil service with peace of mind.

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Leaving the civil service: is it a good idea? 

Although it would be incorrect to speak of a "great resignation", we are witnessing waves of departures from the civil service, particularly affecting the most difficult professions. This has been particularly glaring in the hospital sector since the health crisis, especially in the nursing professions. 

But it also affects the state civil service, in the national education or law enforcement sectors, and to a lesser extent the local civil service.

In this context, it can be tempting to leave your job as a civil servant and move into the private sector or work for yourself. Here are a few reasons why: 

  • Greater autonomy and flexibility: the civil service is a highly hierarchical environment with strict rules. Joining the private sector can give you greater flexibility, for example in terms of working hours and vacations, as well as greater autonomy in the validation of your tasks. 
  • Better career prospects: some careers in the public sector have a ceiling, unless you take increasingly difficult competitive entrance exams the further you want to progress! In other fields, career prospects are often more accessible. 
  • A pay rise: leaving the civil service is often synonymous with a substantial increase in income, depending on your field of expertise. 

How do you leave the civil service and retrain? 


Resigning from your employer in the civil service is an option that allows you to leave your post as quickly as possible. However, as in the private sector, it does not entitle you to unemployment benefits. 

Resigning is a good way out if you already have a well-defined conversion plan, and savings to make the transition! 

How do I resign from the local civil service?  

If you are a local authority civil servant, you will need to submit a letter of resignation to your local authority stating that you wish to leave your position. 

The administration must receive and accept your resignation within four months. Your resignation will take effect upon acceptance. 

You will then lose your civil servant status, and will not be able to collect unemployment benefit, except in the event of a legitimate resignation (in very specific cases, e.g. moving house, illness of a close relative, etc.). The local civil service is reputed to be the easiest to leave. 

How do I resign from the civil service? 

For the French state civil service, the procedure is the same: send a letter of resignation to your administration, reply to the administration's invitation to attend, and wait for validation, with the effective date of entry into account. 

However, for certain functions, resignations may be refused on the grounds of continuity of service. This is particularly the case for teachers and police officers. However, it is possible to appeal the decision to a joint administrative commission. Please note: if you do not hear from your administration within four months, you will have to reapply! 

How do I resign from the hospital civil service? 

In the case of the hospital civil service, the procedure is similar: submit a written, reasoned request, attend a resignation interview, then receive a reply from the administration. In this case, however, the administration has one month to respond. The notice period is one month. 

Contractual termination

The "rupture conventionnelle" is an amicable termination of contract between employer and employee, which entitles the latter to unemployment benefits. Since 2020, it has been possible for tenured civil servants to request a conventional rupture. 

How can I benefit? You need to send a registered application to the head of your school or administration. This is followed by an interview, then the validation, or not, of the request with the drafting of an agreement signed by both parties. It sounds simple enough, but very few civil servants have ever obtained a "rupture conventionnelle"! You need to be able to put forward a real project justifying your desire to leave the civil service and receive unemployment benefit. 

What for? In theory, a "rupture conventionnelle" is a good way of starting a career change, and taking time out for training. However, it can be an obstacle course, with no guarantee of success. So you need to have strong nerves to take the plunge! 


The "mise en disponibilité " option allows a civil servant to leave his or her job for a period of time, to take up another position elsewhere, for example. During this defined period, the civil servant is, of course, no longer paid. There are three types of availability: automatic, de jure and subject to service requirements. At the end of the period of availability, the civil servant returns to his or her reference administration. 

How to apply To apply for a leave of absence for personal reasons, you need to write to your manager. The period of availability may last 5 years and may be renewed once (for a total of 10 years). However, the administration may refuse the request on grounds of continuity of service. 

What is it for? This scheme is ideal if you've already secured a position in the private sector that you'd like to try out, but don't want to leave the civil service for good. 


Secondment enables a civil servant to leave his or her reference administration to take up a post in another administration, for a maximum period of 5 years. At the end of this period, you must either return to your own administration, or ask to be attached to the new administration. 

How can I benefit? Whether you are a civil servant in the state, regional or hospital civil service, the secondment must be negotiated with your employer and then approved by your reference administration. 

What's the point? It makes sense to ask for a secondment if you've already found a position that suits you better in another government department. It's also possible in some very specific private structures (public interest groups, private schools, for example).


Transfer is a form of mobility within the same civil service (either state, regional or hospital). It enables you to change position within the same grade, without changing your status. This can mean doing the same job, but in a different city. This only applies to permanent civil servants. 

How can I benefit? There are two ways of obtaining a transfer: either by applying for a vacant position, or by making a specific request for a transfer (position, location) to your referral administration. Every year, the administration publishes transfer notices and responds to requests, prioritizing them according to specific criteria (spouse, disability, length of time the position has been occupied, etc.). Depending on the profession and location requested, transfers are more or less difficult to obtain. 

What's the point? Transfer is often the solution identified by civil servants who wish to continue working in the same profession but want to move, for example to return to their home town. 

Combined activities

Civil servants are allowed to hold multiple jobs, but this is subject to strict restrictions. In theory, civil servants must be 100% dedicated to their duties. In practice, it is possible to develop a parallel activity outside working hours or on a part-time basis, but this activity must not be detrimental to the operation and ethics of the service. 

How can I benefit? To obtain authorization to work concurrently, you need to apply to your local authorities, describing precisely the nature of the activity, its frequency and the conditions of remuneration. The administration then accepts or rejects the request, and may also formulate reservations or recommendations. 

What's it for? This scheme is of interest to those who want to try out another activity on the side and begin a new career path, or who are looking for additional income.

Part-time work 

Part-time work is available in all civil services, at 50%, 70%, 80% and 90%, for a period of 6 months to one year, renewable up to a maximum of three years. Salary is calculated accordingly. 

How can you benefit from it? You also need to apply to your administration. Authorization may be granted subject to continuity of service. 

What for? Part-time work is a great way to free up time for your personal and professional life! 

You can use this time to train or develop another professional activity at the same time. In this case, you simply need to declare the activity in question, and make sure that it does not conflict with the continuity of the public service or its ethical rules. 

What professions should you choose for a successful career change? 

Can a former civil servant work in any profession? 

A former civil servant may not engage in a profession that would be in conflict of interest with his or her previous job in the civil service. This is part of the code of ethics for civil servants, who are required to put the general interest ahead of their private interests! 

How can you find out which jobs you're not allowed to do? Take a look at your employment contract: you'll find a list of areas in which you can't work as a result of your position, and for a set period of time. 

Choosing the right career for retraining

To choose the right profession for your career transition, there are 3 important criteria to consider: 

  • It has to be an attractive job that recruits, which will make it easier for you to quickly and successfully retrain in the field! 
  • This job must provide a good income, to avoid any loss of earnings. 
  • Last but not least, it's a good idea to take a short training course! 

Such is the case with Tech professions, and more specifically with data and cybersecurity. These fields are firmly rooted in today's world, and are extremely promising.

Contrary to popular belief, they are accessible, thanks in particular to the short courses offered by Jedha. We offer a range of full-time or part-time, face-to-face or distance learning courses to help you retrain in data analysis, cybersecurity or data science in just a few months! 

How can I change jobs if I'm a civil servant? 

Changing jobs is an exciting time, but it can also be very challenging, especially financially. The process can take a long time, so it's important to find out what help you can mobilize so you don't find yourself in difficulty! 

The Personal Training Account in the civil service

The CPF is an account that is automatically credited throughout your working life, enabling you to finance approved training time. If you are a civil servant, this account is credited with a number of hours each year. 

How can I benefit from it? All civil servants, whether permanent or temporary, have a CPF. To use your training hours, you will need to request authorization from your administration. 

What is it for? The CPF is a great way to finance training in your spare time or on the job. The challenge will be to convince your administration of the relevance of your request! The CPF is not as flexible as the CPF for private-sector employees

Professional Training Leave

Le Congé de Formation Professionnelle (CFP) est un congé dont tous les agents de la fonction publique peuvent bénéficier pour se former, tout au long de leur carrière. Il peut durer jusqu’à trois ans maximum, et garantit le maintien d’une rémunération pendant un an. 

How can I benefit from it? You need to make a request to your reference administration, except in the case of the hospital civil service, where you need to make two requests: one for absence and one for reimbursement.

What for? The CFP allows you to take time out for training, to take other competitive exams in the civil service, or to start retraining for a new career in the private sector. 

Professional Transition Leave 

Congé de Transition Professionnelle (Professional Transition Leave) is designed for civil servants whose positions are to be eliminated, or for category C employees without a baccalaureate-level diploma, who are disabled, or exposed to a risk of professional wear and tear. During this leave, you continue to receive your gross salary. 

How can you benefit? You need to identify the training course you wish to attend and submit a request to your administration. The training must lead to certification. 

What's it for? The CTP is a good way of planning a professional transition and training for a new job, whether in the public or private sector. However, it is a very limited scheme. 

Testimonials from former civil servants who moved from the public to the private sector 

There are many testimonials on the Web from former civil servants who have taken the plunge and moved from the public to the private sector. If you'd like to talk directly to people who have been through the same experience as you, we recommend you take a look at the various specialized forums on this subject, such as thisforum for local civil servants


Les moyens de quitter la fonction publique n’ont désormais plus de secret pour vous ! Et si vous rêvez de vous reconvertir dans les métiers de la tech, venez faire un tour aux portes ouvertes en ligne de Jedha, où nous présentons notre offre de formation dans les métiers de la data et de la cybersécurité ! 

Frequently asked questions about retraining as a civil servant

Is it possible to retrain and leave the civil service at 50? 

Yes, it is possible to retrain and leave the civil service at 50. There are a number of schemes available to enable you to train for another job: the CPF, the CFP. You can then leave your job by resigning or requesting a "rupture conventionnelle".

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Benoît Yèche
Benoît Yèche
Chief Marketing Officer
Benoît has been Jedha Bootcamp's Chief Marketing Officer since December 2022. A graduate of HEC and Sciences Po Paris, he specialized in marketing and start-ups. Passionate about Data Marketing and continuing education, he joined Jedha to develop the reputation of the benchmark Data and Cybersecurity school!

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