Our articles on Artificial Intelligence

Discover all our articles onArtificial Intelligence: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning and deployment and much more!

Jedha bootcamp alumni
Artificial Intelligence
Les 10 meilleurs générateurs de prompt en 2024
Vous cherchez un outil pour vous faciliter la création de prompts ? Voici notre sélection des 10 meilleurs prompt generator, helper ou builder pour les modèles d’IA générative les plus utilisés comme ChatGPT, Midjourney et Stable Diffusion.
Benoît Yèche
Artificial Intelligence
Formation ChatGPT gratuite
Découvrez les meilleures formations gratuites pour maîtriser l’art du prompt engineering et devenir un pro de ChatGPT et des autres modèles d’IA générative !
Benoît Yèche
Artificial Intelligence
15 career paths for IT professionals
Find out about the best career paths to take in the IT industry, and the training courses to follow for a successful career change!
Benoît Yèche
Artificial Intelligence
The difference between a Machine Learning Engineer and a Data Scientist?
The services of the Machine Learning engineer and the Data Scientist are indispensable for any modern company. Are there any differences between these two professions? And what are they?
Julie Gastine
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning Engineer : quel salaire en 2024 ?
Découvrez ce que gagne vraiment un Machine Learning Engineer en 2024. Nous vous révélons son salaire moyen selon le pays (France, Suisse, Canada etc) et le niveau d'expérience.
Julie Gastine
Artificial Intelligence
Les 5 meilleures formations en Machine Learning
Vous souhaitez vous reconvertir dans la Data ? Découvrez les meilleures formations en Machine Learning pour réussir votre projet professionnel !
Julie Gastine
Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning Engineer: how to make a successful career change?
Machine learning engineer, the perfect career change! It's a fast-growing field, and the salary on offer is very attractive. The average salary ranges from 46,070 to 49,479 euros per year, and can quickly rise to 70,000 euros per year if the professional is a senior engineer.
Julie Gastine
Artificial Intelligence
All about Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in which the machine learns from experience through a trial-and-error process.
Antoine Krajnc
Artificial Intelligence
Chatbot project manager: job, training, salary
Would you like to start your career change as a chatbot project manager? This article explains everything you need to know!
Myriam Emilion