How can I finance my training as a self-employed worker?

Julien Fournari
Julien Fournari
SEO & Growth Manager
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How can I finance my training as a self-employed worker?

Are you an entrepreneur, self-employed professional or company director looking to improve your skills? You've no doubt considered the potential of training insurance funds like AGEFICE or FIF PL to provide you with financial support.

But how can you decipher this offer, and above all, how can you take advantage of it for your training project? Explore with us all the answers to your questions in this article.

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How does financing work for the self-employed?

What are the Training Insurance Funds?

The Fonds d'Assurance Formation (FAF) is an organization responsible for managing financial aid for training self-employed workers. These funds are financed by the Contribution à la Formation Professionnelle (CFP) paid by self-employed workers. In return for this contribution, you can benefit from partial or total financing of your professional training. 

This system aims to maintain and enhance the employability of the self-employed, enabling you to enrich your skills and know-how throughout your career.

What are the different training insurance funds for the self-employed? 

Depending on the nature of your business and your APE (or NAF) code, you are affiliated with different FAFs:

  • Traders and non-salaried managers in commerce, industry and services: Association de gestion du financement de la formation des chefs d'entreprise (AGEFICE).
  • Liberal professions: Fonds interprofessionnel de formation des professionnels libéraux (FIF-PL).
  • Medical professions: Fonds d'assurance formation de la profession médicale (FAF-PM).
  • Authors: Fonds d'assurance formation des secteurs de la culture, de la communication et des loisirs (AFDAS).
  • Craftsmen and craftswomen: Fonds d'assurance formation des chefs d'entreprises artisanales (FAFCEA).
  • Farmers and forestry managers: Fonds pour la formation des entrepreneurs du vivant (Vivéa).
  • Fishing professionals: Fonds d'assurance formation paritaire pêche et cultures marines.

These funds are tailored to meet the specific needs of each professional category, ensuring that every self-employed worker receives the right training.

En complément des fonds d'assurance formation, le microcrédit peut également être une solution intéressante pour financer votre formation professionnelle. Le microcrédit est un prêt de faible montant destiné à des entrepreneurs ou travailleurs indépendants qui n'ont pas accès aux financements bancaires traditionnels.

Il permet de couvrir les coûts initiaux de votre formation, en attendant d'obtenir un remboursement par les dispositifs comme l'AGEFICE ou le FIF PL. Les organismes de microcrédit, tels que l'ADIE (Association pour le Droit à l'Initiative Économique), offrent des conditions adaptées aux besoins spécifiques des indépendants, avec des modalités de remboursement flexibles et des taux d'intérêt généralement avantageux. Utiliser un microcrédit pour votre formation peut être un levier efficace pour développer vos compétences sans attendre.

Which FAFs are available to finance training at Jedha?

If you're considering funding your Data and Cybersecurity training at Jedha as a freelancer, the funding available will depend on the type of business you're in. Below you'll find a list of Training Insurance Funds that could potentially cover the cost of a training course at Jedha

  • AGEFICE (Association de Gestion du Financement de la Formation des Chefs d'Entreprise) 
  • FIF-PL (Interprofessional Training Fund for Liberal Professionals)

Funding under these two schemes takes the form of reimbursement on completion of the training course. It is therefore essential to provide a financial advance to cover the initial costs of training before receiving reimbursement at a later date. 

Financing for the self-employed
Financing for the self-employed

AFEFICE pour les dirigeants et entrepreneurs - How to obtain financing for your training? 

Who is AGEFICE for? 

AGEFICE is dedicated to self-employed managers and their spouses or partners . Eligible legal status :

  • Majority managers of SARLs.
  • Single-member limited liability company (EURL).
  • Partners of a Société en Nom Collectif (SNC).
  • Individual contractors.
  • Micro-entrepreneurs.

It is essential that you are registered with URSSAF or Sécurité Sociale des Indépendants as a self-employed worker, and that you are up to date with your Contribution à la Formation Professionnelle (CFP).

How much does AGEFICE pay? 

The amount of aid depends on the payment to the PSC: 

  • If you have contributed €10 or more (including as a collaborating spouse), you can claim an annual ceiling of €3,000. 
  • For those who have contributed less than €10, the ceiling is €500. 

It is important to remember that this assistance is granted in the form of a reimbursement at the end of your training.

How do I apply for Agefice funding? 

To benefit from AGEFICE financing :

  • Check your eligibility: Consult your Contribution à la Formation Professionnelle (CFP) certificate to confirm that AGEFICE is your training insurance fund. You can download this certificate from your Urssaf account.
  • Gather the necessary documents: KBIS extract, URSSAF membership certificate, training program, ID, certificate of payment to the CFP, training agreement or quotation...‍
  • Contact an AGEFICE reception point: You must submit your request for financing at least 15 days before the start of the training course, and no more than 4 months before, in order to receive feedback on possible reimbursement. The point d'accueil checks the supporting documents, pre-enters the file and forwards it to AGEFICE.

Before you begin these steps, contact our admissions team. We'll help you confirm your eligibility for the desired training and prepare your file for AGEFICE.

Financing for the liberal professions
Financing for the liberal professions

FIF PL for the liberal professions - How to obtain financing for your training? 

Who is FIF PL for? 

FIF PL is intended for self-employed professionals .

However, to qualify for Jedha training, it is essential that the use of Data or Cybersecurity represents a real added value to your profession.

How much is the FIF PL? 

FIF PL limits funding to a maximum of €750, which is reimbursed. Once you have incurred the training costs, you can expect reimbursement from FIF PL between 2 and 6 months after the end of the course.

How do I get reimbursed for FIF PL?  

To benefit from FIF PL reimbursement, follow these steps:

  • Create your member account online: Log on to the FIF PL extranet at‍
  • Attach the necessary documents scanned in pdf format: URSSAF proof of FIF PL coverage, bank details, training agreement or quotation.‍
  • Respect the deadlines: You must enter your application online within 10 calendar days of the 1st day of training. After this deadline, the request will be automatically refused.

Do not hesitate to contact our Jedha admissions team.. We'll provide you with detailed information on FIF PL financing, and guide you in determining whether our training courses match your profile and professional needs. Bear in mind that FIF PL funding comes later in the form of reimbursements, so it's essential to be well-informed before committing yourself.

Conclusion - Your independence doesn't stand in the way of your training

With us, you've explored the labyrinth of financing options for the self-employed. AGEFICE and FIF PL are invaluable allies in your quest for training. But remember, preparation is the key. 

At Jedha, we're here to guide you through the process. To go even further and explore the full range of financing options, take a look at our our detailed article on available financing.

Frequently asked questions about financing for self-employed people

How is the Fonds d'Assurance Formation (FAF) financed?

The Training Insurance Funds are financed by the Contribution à la Formation Professionnelle (CFP) paid by self-employed workers. This contribution enables the self-employed to access funding for their training.

If I change my professional status, does my FAF change too?

Yes, your FAF is determined by your APE (or NAF) code and the nature of your activity. If you change your status or field of activity, you may be attached to another FAF.

If I'm unemployed, can I still benefit from FAF financing? 

If you have previously contributed to the PSC as a self-employed worker, you may be eligible for funding even if you are currently unemployed. It is best to consult the relevant FAF to find out what your rights are.

Can Agefice and FIF PL supplement CPF financing

Since 2020, the FIF PL is no longer able to provide additional funding for training courses supported by the CPF. AGEFICE, on the other hand, offers the possibility of supplementing CPF funds. If you are self-employed and your training is eligible for the CPF, we recommend that you first call on your CPF rights. If these are not sufficient to cover all costs, AGEFICE can step in to finance the difference. 

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Julien Fournari
Julien Fournari
SEO & Growth Manager
Julien occupe le poste de SEO & Growth Manager chez Jedha depuis Mexico. Sa mission est de créer et d'orchestrer du contenu pour la communauté Jedha, de simplifier les processus et de dénicher de nouvelles opportunités, tant pour Jedha que pour ses étudiants, en exploitant sa maîtrise du digital.

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